Thursday, July 17, 2008

Thursday, July 17

Wow, we finally made it and what an adventure we have experienced. As many of you know when traveling in Guyana one makes a plan and then plans to make a change. We made our flight and flew out of Memphis without any difficuty, avoiding the storm in the gulf and arriving on time at 1:10 pm in Miami for a layover and then departure around 5:00 pm. During the layover in Miami we were offered a $500. 00 travel voucher, lodging and meals if we would give up our seats. We declined considering luggage transfer and connecting flights might present a problem. Even as the travel voucher increased to $800. , lodging and first class accomodations on the next day, we held firm and did not give up our seats. As we were sitting in our assigned seats waiting for the plane to depart, we were told that we would have to change planes, transfer our luggage, and would have to find us another flight because there was a problem with one of the motors. Some time later sitting on the plane hungry and tired, waiting for the luggage to be transferred, it was announced that our flight attendents had logged in too many hours and it was against the law for them to fly to Trinidad with us. They were in the process of flying attendents in from Porto Rico and that they should be there in an hour. It was then at least three hours past the departure time and about the time we were supposed to be landing in Trinidad. The plane finally departed the Miami airport at 11:15, landing in Trinidad at about 3:15 am. Since we would have to be back at the airport in a couple of hours we decided to try to get some rest in the chairs at the airport and then be ready to check in at 5:30am for the connecting flight.

At 5:30 we began lookin for customs and to pick up our baggage. Amazingly, NONE of our checked baggage arrived in Guyana. We should have taken the voucher! All will be better when we get to Rose Hall with the Christians there. We will spend the rest of the day arranging to pick up the luggage (when it is found), arranging transportation to Rose Hall ( four hours by van), and resting. Please pray that God will be glorified in all that we do.

We did meet a wonderful young lady on the plane named Cindy. She is a 28 year old business owner who suffers with rheumetoid arthritis. We were able to help her and tell her about our work and plant some seeds. After exchanging addresses we left her in Trinidad promising to call her on the return trip. You never know where the planted seed will grow.


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