Business First Then VBS
Friday was again filled with business. The day started with making copies for the last time at the local Kinko (The Metro). We had made copies several days ago but realized that we did not have enough for the number of children who were attending. Rick also copied songs for the team to sing to the members. Rick really had a busy day with the plan to talk while several of the members prepared for the evening lesson and visit in the home of Jennifer Mangual's mother and father. Jennifer's family is Hindu but seem interested in learning about Christ.
During VBS the adults stayed in for the first skit. Karla and Daniel portrayed Jesus and the bent woman and then they went to their classes. We taught the second story about Lazarus. The big event for the morning was that if the children could say the books of the New Testament they would get a toy and if they said their memory verse for the week they would get a treat. Following the chaos of the memory verses we traveled to Jennifer's mother and returned to the building about two. Steve visited with Richmond, Mangual, and Marzina's son, to try to interest him in returning to Christ.
During the week Vicki has made great progess with Dromilla, Sabrina, and Devin's neighbor. We visited with the members through the afternoon and then at 4:30 Rick presented the lesson, "A Room With a View--The Upper Room".
Again we thank you and covet your prayers for us and for the people of Guyana.
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