Wednesday, June 28, 2006

Guyana Christian Mission Trip

July 29,2006

Much of the week Joanna had to handle one of the craft activities by herself. In this activity the children were making baloon people with the theme of presenting their bodies as a holy sacrifice. "Live for Jesus". If you see these teenagers and young adults, please let them know that you are proud of the job they did.
July 26, 2005

Be very proud of the work that was done by the seven members of Missouri Street. We basically took care of the vacation Bible school leaving the other three members of the team, Steve Yarberry, Erwin White, and Vicki Seniker, to teach the adult classes. We had over 100 children atending the Bible classes and most of them do
not attend church. Rick taught the Bible Story, Joanna, Catherine, Staci, and Kim managed the craft activities, and Nathan and Jared managed the game activities.

July 25, 2006
Following the Vacation Bible School and the training sessions. The team stayed late on Friday night sorting through the contents of a crate that had been sent by the Christians from the states. The plan being that the members would come the following morning to select items for themselves and others.

It was like a free garage sale and the items were gone in less that two hours.

The few items that were left were placed on the rodeside for anyone who needed them.

July25, 2006
We arrived back home today about 5:30. We give a special thanks to Michael Cox, Lavonne Taylor, and the McVeys for meeting us and helping us to get home. It was a long and tiring trip but successful. It is getting late and we are tired but we wanted you to see some of the work that was accomplished this past week.
A group of the Christians from Rosehall stayed after the morning session and then walked about a mile to the canal to participate in Otisha's baptism. Left, Jared Combs follows Otisha into the canal.

Jared took her confession,

...and baptised a new sister into Christ. Otisha has been attending the services since we were in Guyana last year. She has three small children and a very difficult life.

July 21, 2006
Well, I finally figured that you were supposed to post these on the top instead of the bottom. So, I will start posting on the top now. You will not get a picture today because the 'internet cafe' we are at does not allow cameras to be plugged into their computers. Today, we are breathing a sigh of relief because we finished the last day of vacation Bible school. We had 100 children today and only about ten to fifteen of them go to church. The seven of us mostly handled the Bible school with the exception of serving the snacks. You should have seen Jared and Nathan handling crowd control. Tonight we organized the contents of a 4x4x8 foot shipping crate for a 'garage sale' give away tomorrow. Wait till you see the pictures. It should be an interesting day. Catherine did a great job organizing. She was on top of it. I hope to send more tomorrow. K

June 28, 2006

We are a Christian mission team to Guyana, South America with seven members of the Missouri Street Church of Christ in West Memphis, AR joining three other veteran members from Illinois, Tennessee and Arkansas. This year of the team will be leaving on July 14 and returning on July 25.

Guyana is a country on the northern coast of South America. It boarders Brazil to the south, Suriname on the east and Venezuela on the west. Just 45 years ago it was a British governed colony. Now the inhabitants are learning how to govern themselves in this newly formed government. The country is rich with untapped natural resources and most of the population lives along the northern coastal region. We will be working with the church just outside of New Amsterdam which is just southeast of the capitol of Georgetown on the map.

The goal for the mission effort at Rose Hall-Williamsburg, Guyana is for the Church there to be self-sufficient in five years. This year the vereran team members will be teaching about leadership and stewardwhip for the Lord. While in Guyana the team members from Missouri Street-Jared and Staci Combs, Nathan Shirley, Joanna and Catherine Taylor, Rick and Kim Shirley - will be working with the youth and teaching a vacation Bible School (as well as other tasks). Our Missouri Street young people and the young Guyanese Christians may even be involved in the distribution of World Bible School literature. As always, when in Guyana one makes a plan and then prepares for a different plan to evolve.

July 2, 2006

We want to thank all you you who have given support to the Guyana mission thus far and ask for your continued prayers and support. We are getting closer daily to making the trip a reality. We want to give you another opportunity to assist the mission by providing needed Bible class supplies. Each member of the mission team will be using one of their check on bags to transport Bible school materials. We are still collecting some of these items. We are still in need of glue sticks, brass paper fasteners, hole punchers, watercolor and permanent markers, reward stickers, Bible stickers, play dough, Bible story puzzles, and two basket balls. If you would like to provide some of these items you can give them to one of the team members or place them in the hallway under the Guyana bulletin board. This week we will be busy planning lessons and taking care of the necessary arrangements needed on the home front.

July 5

During the mission trip of 2005, the Guyanese women were trained on how to work together, team teaching the children in Bible class. In this picture the children are divided by age groups with approximately eight to ten children at each table. This was taken on Sunday morning with the Guyanese ladies conducting the class following the week of training. This year will differ in that we will use the principles of team teaching to provide a Vacation Bible school for the children. It is predicted that we will have approximately 70 in attendance.

This table of primary age students are taught by Ann, following the lesson. The other two tables are working on either the same craft or one that is more appropriate for their age group. Sharon, Ann, and Seita work together to teach the younger students in Guyana. Working as a team is a new concept for the Church in Guyana, and we are anxious to see how it has developed over the last year.

July 11, 2006

The time to leave for the Guyana mission is quickly approaching and we are furiously working to complete all the home tasks as well as the needed lessons and visuals and crafts we will need to teach our lessons. We are all busy deciding what needs to be taken and how it will fit into the allowed space and friends are chipping in to help complete the work. You know how it goes, you plan your time and then life has a way of changing the best layed plans and now time is of the essence. I cannot thank you all enough for all you have and are doing to make this trip possible.

Sherry Warmath and Lavonne Taylor working on planning and preparing lessons and crafts.

Nathan Shirley works on stapling a craft activity togeher. Nathan and Jared are planning on being in charge of the games.

Rick and Catherine work together putting together coloring books for the children's Bible class.

Make sure you check out the bulletin board in the hallway close to the auditorium. Those of you donating supplies remember the last day is Wednesday, July 12th. Please keep us in you prayers as we prepare to serve the Lord and the people in Guyana.

July 20.2006

I am having great difficulty publishing pictures to the blog while we are in Guyana. I have tried several times and there is always a problem. We are all doing very well. This afternoon the young people are passing out tracks and World Bible School Correspondence courses. We have been very busy and have even had trouble finding time to take pictures. Yesterday, Wednesday we had approximately 100 children in Bible class. Today we had 80. The children keep the seven of us from Missouri Street very busy. We will update the BLOG if we are able and I will try to down load a picture on the blog one more time.